PUENTE, CA - 1955 (looking north into Baldwin Park)
This view is looking north/north west from the new housing development on Stichman / Barrydale in La Puente, just bordering Baldwin Park in 1955. The back wall is not up yet. The farm / or what appears to be a vineyard covers the area that also now includes the cemented Walnut Creek flood channel. Bonnie Goossen Tallis, who grew up at this house says "I vaguely remember watching an old farmer working the field behind our house. Of course Walnut Creek was just a creek then and was not a paved "wash". Judy was remembering that it nearly overflowed in the rains of 1956 and our parents were worried about getting flooded." Florence Flanner School was to be built later just to the right of this field. The houses you see along the left going towards the center are along Vineland Avenue where they stop at Francisquito. The original IN N OUT is hidden behind the house lines on the left of the picture.